visual layout
visual layout
art director, visual designer, photo editor, copywriter
InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Figma
10 weeks
John Edens
Messaging and advertising is strategically placed to be viewed by roadway commuters affected by traffic. By bringing these commuters to Link's rail-based system, run 100% by renewable energy, they further their forward-thinking pledge toward a sustainable future.
The new logo alludes to the service it provides the community by use of dynamic diagonal lines conveying service tracks.
A system of patterns from repeated shapes are applied to station signage and environmental elements. Unique patterns using branded colors create a sense of uniqueness for each neighborhood serviced by the Link, while visually expressing the ties that bring our community together.
brand applications
Link Lightrail Development
Link is expanding in the greater Seattle area and it lacks a unique brand expression to set it apart from its sister services and other connected public transit options.
We wanted to see how we might be able to set Link apart from other public transit options, while developing a strong visual system to create greater clarity and cohesion in wayfinding and messaging. The timing was also advantageous, using the rebrand to garner more attention as the service areas continue to grow.
Link is the only local transportation option in Seattle that does not compete with car traffic, making the service more reliable than other forms of transit, public or private. It also runs on electric power generated by 100% carbon-free sources. With its expansion plans, Link Light Rail is setting up a sustainable future for transportation in the region. These aspects were of particular focus while developing the brand.
image map and dot voting
Each team member submitted photos from a range of unrelated categories. Then, each team member voted independently using red and green stickers whether they felt the image expressed an association with Link.
The clusters of green dots gave us a visual representation of the images most widely associated with our sentiments.
word associations
Once we narrowed in on images, we began writing out why each image felt “on-brand” for Link in order to drill down to the core principles.
three pillars
From the company research and the image mapping exercise, we assembled the recurring terms associated with Link and organized them into the top three categories.
Service-Oriented, Community-Focused, and Forward-Thinking became our three pillars that would guide our brand expression.
“on track”
We explored the different word associations lists and brainstormed related ideas on a white board to develop our slogan, eventually finding the versatile, themed, and succinct “on track.”
Your commute on track.
On track to sustainability.
Life is better on track.
On track to sustainability.
Life is better on track.
Our solution for Link Lightrail was to create a unified system of typography and colors, accompanied by a system of patterns and overlays that could be expanded and iterated upon as the company and its reach expands.
The new logo expresses the three pillars for the company. The rails coming through the type allude to the nature of the service; the dynamic angle of the lines gives a sense of forward movement; and, the closure effect gives a sense of connection and community.
shapes and patterns
We developed a collection of circles with symmetrical designs inspired by our three pillars (Service-Oriented, Forward-Thinking, Community-Focused). These shapes can be assembled into patterns and be expressed in various environmental elements in stations and trains. The collection can easily be expanded as new stations and trains are added.
Clear, high-contrast visuals for wayfinding were developed using an icon system for the different lines and arrows indicating which platform they service.
turning point
The greatest turning point in this project was when the visual system became clear and succinct. The breakthrough arrived when the logo was finalized, bringing a reference point to our overlay system, which then became the overarching visual identity of the brand’s communication.